A New Way To Remember Our Loved Ones

In our digital age, it can be hard to find a good way to pay tribute to a loved one. With All Occasion Memories, we are no longer confined to newspaper obituaries, photo albums, or social media...

For Our Founder, Ursula, It's Personal...
All Occasion Memories began as the passion project of Ursula Medina to help families remember their loves ones.

"My mother passed away in a car accident when I was five. I never had a picture of her. As years went on, I slowly acquired pictures of my mother. This brought me immense healing." -Ursula Medina

From her experience, she started making memorial photos to honor community and family members.

When Ursula saw the healing that the pictures brought to other families, All Occasion Memories was born...

Instead of hunting through social media or old boxes for photos, with a locket and simple Memory Page, families could easily keep memories alive.


Our History

Here's the timeline of how we came to be.
  • In The 1990s...

    Ursula started making memorial photos for families who had lost loved ones, especially to gang violence.

  • 2014

    All Occasion Memories was officially incorporated.

  • 2016

    We started making lockets for people to help honor and remember their loved ones.

  • 2018

    Pain To Purpose, the nonprofit that supports All Occasion Memories, was officially launched, along with our website!

  • Also In 2018

    We were proud to become part of the Forbes Nonprofit Council!


The Future...

Burial services today are so expensive that many families simply can't afford them. Our goal is to support these families in need, to bring peace and healing to those in grief. First, with our lockets and memory pages. Next, with help for funeral costs.
Today's Average Cost
For A Funeral
According to Huffington Post

You Can Help Us Do More!

We run entirely on donations and volunteers, including making a locket for each memory page on our site. Make a donation today to help the cause, or share the word on social media!

Hear From The Founders

Meet Art Medina, All Occasion Memories founder, and see other special memorials the Medina's have built in this video.

Get Your Free Memorial Locket

When you make a Memory Page for your loved one. These lockets keep memories alive, and are paid for by donations from people like you.

Claim Your Free Locket

Creating Your Memory Page Is Easy

And always free! Here's how you can create your own Memory Page.


The button below to get started. It takes just a few steps. It’s easy & free!

It Takes Only A Few Minutes!


Images, memories, event details – anything you can think of.

Read Our Positivity Policy


An email when it’s live, and a FREE memorial locket as a gift from us!

Allow Up To 4 Weeks
Start Your Memory Page

We're 100% NonProfit. Help Us By Sharing To Social!